Monday, August 20, 2012

Sjogren’s Syndrome and Social Security Disability

Many people who file for disability have Sjogren’s Syndrome.

This particular disease has many arthritic-type complaints with pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints and prolonged fatigue.  There can often be swollen salivary glands, rashes and dryness on different parts of the body accompanied occasionally by a dry cough.  This is an autoimmune disorder and the level of its severity can vary greatly from person to person.  A fact finder in considering whether a person is disabled sufficiently to qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) or (SSI) determines whether impairments caused by the disease impair daily functioning and ability to perform daily tasks.  Only if the symptoms are severe enough to prohibit employment taking into consideration your age, education and work experience will your claim be allowed.

If you are interested in receiving assistance in your disability claim based on Sjogren’s Syndrome, please feel free to contact us for a free office or telephone consultation at Drummond Law, LLC